Saturday, January 8, 2011

Winter Sunrise

We have just completed our first week in 2011. Sometimes people ask if I have made a new year's resolution. Generally I try not to make grand resolutions that I am unlikely to keep. My standing resolution is that I will try to spill less food and drink on my clothes, something I believe I have been making progress on over the years. I think a good resolution might be "always have something to look forward to". Maybe that is not really a resolution at all, just a good idea. Getting organized is always a good choice for a new year's resolution. A fact of living in downtown is that we have less square footage to our apartments or condos than traditional homes. We can't afford to be pack rats and so we are constantly trying to organize, downsize, recycle. etc. It's a continual effort with all the things that we accumulate on a daily basis. Goodwill on Robert, St Vincent de Paul on West Seventh, the Animal ARC on East Seventh are all good places to unload the extra stuff in your closets.

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