Saturday, December 4, 2010

Blue Sky

According to, we can expect on average 5 clear days, 6 partly cloudy days, and 18 cloudy days in any typical November in St Paul. I'm pretty sure I didn't get my 5 clear days last month. We should expect about the same in December which is why the holiday lights in downtown mean so much. The City of St. Paul had the tree lighting ceremony last weekend in Rice Park, but the blue tree in the Ecolab Plaza is my favorite because it looks beautiful in the early evening sky. On average we should have a total of 95 blue sky days in the Twin Cities in a year. San Jose and San Diego, both places I have lived have 160 and 142 respectively. Yuma, Arizona has a whopping 242 days of blue sky. That might be a bit excessive. Maybe I wouldn't enjoy those blue sky days as much if I had them that often.

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